International & NPF

Chicago Bandits top PA Rebellion behind Cheyenne Coyle’s 2 hits, 11-1

Tuesday was a great day for Cheyenne Coyle, as she hit two home runs to carry Chicago Bandits to an 11-1 victory over PA Rebellion at Washington, PA in seven innings.

Everything was working at the plate for the Chicago Bandits in the first. Chicago Bandits’ bats caught fire leading to six runs. Chicago Bandits scored in the first on a solo home run by Megan Wiggins, an RBI single by Kristen Butler, and a home run by Coyle.

Chicago Bandits hit three home runs in the win. Additional home runs for Chicago Bandits came when Coyle homered in the first and fifth innings.

Monica Abbott recorded the win for Chicago Bandits. She allowed one run over five innings. She struck out 10, walked four and surrendered one hit.

Tatum Edwards lasted one-third of an inning on the rubber for PA Rebellion before the call to the bullpen. Edwards allowed four hits and six runs.

Chicago Bandits was sparked by Coyle and Wiggins, who teamed up for five hits and nine RBIs.

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