Inner Circle TV: Fair Pay to Play Act
This week on the Inner Circle, Kelsey and Claudia take an in-depth look at California Senate Bill 206. You can read up on the “nitty gritty” of the bill here as well as what it could mean for the landscape of collegiate athletics here.
00:50 – 04:02 Summarizing “Fair Pay to Play”
04:02 – 06:18 How self promotion can benefit the athlete and the sport
06:18 – 07:45 The impact on small-school athletics
07:45 – 09:18 Will SB 206 force other state’s to follow suit?
09:18 – 10:40 Will quick cash lead to poor long-term planning?
10:40 – 15:05 There’s no such thing as “Fair”
15:05 – 18:45 How will money and endorsements change the dynamics of a team?
18:45 -23:50 Questions not yet answered