Inner Circle

7 Innings with North Carolina Softball Player Kristen Brown

North Carolina junior shortstop Kristen Brown is already a two-time All-ACC player earning that honor in both her freshman and sophomore seasons. She is expected to play a big role in the overall success of the Tar Heels in 2015.

She enters her third season with career .341 average with 12 homers and 34 RBI in 176 at bats. Not only has she found success at the plate but she also boasts a .946 fielding percentage.

Let’s get to know Kristen better.

FPN: At what age did you decide that you wanted to become an elite/college softball player, why?

Kristen Brown

Kristen Brown

Brown: It was always my dream to become a college softball player. I think I was around 12 years old when I made it a goal of mine to play for an elite/college team. I found a passion in the game and desire to keep playing and training to be the best I could be.

FPN: When did you hit your first homerun? How did it make you feel?

Brown: I hit my first homerun when I was 12 years old. It was the most incredible feeling! I remember round the bases to find my team greeting me at home plate. I then ran into the dugout and gave my dad the biggest hug because I was so excited. I knew that I wanted many more home runs in my future.

FPN: Who or what inspired you the most to pursue your dream?

Brown: My parents inspired me to pursue my dream. They drove me to practice several times a week and sometimes hours away. They cheered me up during the rough times and encouraged me to always play my best.
FPN: Some advice to people who want to follow your path; what are three things you should do to help yourself improve as a player?


  1. Make sure you love the sport you play! I could not picture my life without softball. It’s so great to be on a team with such awesome players that love softball as much as I do.
  2. Keep it simple! Don’t complicate the game because softball and baseball are games of failure.
  3. Play with your heart on your sleeve! When you put everything you have into your sport you will achieve your best.

FPN: What is the first thing you look forward to in the off-season, why?

Brown: I look forward to our team bonding trips. You really get to know your teammates on a deeper level. This helps with our team chemistry and gives us a better understanding of each other. When you care about your team, you want to be there for each and everyone of them, both on and off the field.

FPN: What is your favorite type of bat to use, why?

Brown: DeMarini is my favorite type of bat. It has so much pop and I love the way to ball comes off the bat. When I found out that DeMarini was one of our sponsors I was beyond excited.
FPN: Do you prefer Gatorade or water, why? If Gatorade, which is your favorite flavor/color?

Brown: I absolutely love Gatorade. You can usually find me carrying around my GBG (green Gatorade bottle) everywhere. Cool blue is my favorite flavor by far.


Darby Rosen

Darby Rosen

FPN: On your team who do you think has the best dance moves, why?

Brown: Darby Rosen definitely has the best dance moves. She is crazy, loves to have a good time, and is always cracking everyone up. To have someone on your team that always makes you laugh is invaluable.

Extra Innings

FPN: Which do you like better, Chipotle or Taco Bell?

Brown: Taco Bell is the bomb.

Fastpitch News ® (FPN) is dedicated to covering the sport of Women’s Fastpitch Softball. FPN provides news, analysis, opinions and coverage of College, High School, Professional and International Fastpitch leagues and organizations.


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