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Accountability in Softball

Accountability is a huge piece to a team’s success in softball. Accountability comes in many different forms, from coaches holding players accountable, players holding coaches accountable, teammates holding each other accountable, and then there are the parents who should be held accountable but also hold coaches and players accountable as well.

The great softball teams get together and set individual and team goals before the start of every season. These teams will have individual and team meetings before and during the season to ensure that coaches and players are on the same page with expectations and progress. It’s important that coaches actively check in with their players, and not just about what goes on, on the softball field. When coaches value their players for the people they are, rather than just as softball players, they are bound to get more out of their athletes.

It’s critical that coaches hold the players on the team accountable. Creating a list of team rules and expectations for players to follow is a good start. This way, players know what is expected of them and will be able to hold themselves and each other accountable at all times. With that being said, it’s also important that players hold coaches responsible as well. Communication and trust among coaches and players is key when it comes to accountability. If there is a lack of communication and an issue isn’t addressed it will manifest and can spread among the team.

Accountability among teammates in softball takes time. Players must first learn how to trust and respect one another. Everyone has an important role on the team and each role must be fulfilled in order for the team to succeed. There will almost always be natural born leaders among teams, and these are the players who will take charge without being told. Teammates who respect and trust one another are more likely to respond in a positive way when being held accountable by another teammate.

What does it look like when teammates respectfully hold each other accountable?

  • Picking each other up after an error or mistake happens
  • Reminding teammates of team rules and guidelines
  • Instead of calling someone out in front of the team, confront them in private
  • Remind players to always put the team first
  • Hold everyone to the same standard
  • Make sure all reps are completed in practice
  • Keep a positive attitude and outlook at all times

The final piece to the accountability puzzle is the parents. Softball parents are an interesting bunch and often times hard to contain and hold accountable because they are outside the lines. Most coaches in high school, club, and travel ball will create rules and expectations for parents as well. Parents want to be included and many will appreciate the guidelines and follow them. Then there are the parents who get carried away on game days and let emotions take over. When this happens, it’s important that the head coach address it immediately. This will hold the parent accountable and it will hopefully halt any parent outbursts in the future. The last thing coaches and players need are parent distractions on game days.

Accountability is an important piece to the success of a team in softball. It takes an entire roster from top to bottom, as well as coaches and parent support to succeed. The teams who are able to work together towards a common goal and hold each other accountable in a respectful way along the journey, are the ones who will come out on top at the end of the season.

Fastpitch News ® (FPN) is dedicated to covering the sport of Women’s Fastpitch Softball. FPN provides news, analysis, opinions and coverage of College, High School, Professional and International Fastpitch leagues and organizations.


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