International & NPF

Scrap Yard Dogs Cruise Past Dallas Charge 7-0

Scrap Yard Dawgs

Erie, Colorado – June 28, 2016 – The Dawgs faced the Dallas Charge for game one of a three game series in Colorado.

The Dawgs were first to get on the board in the top of the third inning, with a leadoff double by Emily Crane. Britt Vonk followed with a bunt to move Crane to third and Emilee Koerner hit a two run single to put the Dawgs up (2-0). Shortstop Christian Stokes hit a shot up the middle to bring in Koerner (3-0).

The hits continued in the fourth inning with Lexi Overstreet beating the throw to first and Kiki Stokes reaching base on a passed ball. Crane hit a towering fly ball to left field that was dropped by Lahners, to allow Crane to reach first base, but Overstreet was out from the throw to third.  Vonk hit a shot to right field that scored Stokes and Crane to put two more runs on the board (5-0).

The Dawgs were not satisfied with a five run lead going into the fifth, so Nerissa Myers hit a solo bomb to left field to add another run on the board (6-0). Charge pitcher Andi Williamson entered for Morgan Melloh in the circle. In the seventh inning, Koerner hit a solo shot over the center field fence to give the Dawgs a seven run lead.

Monica Abbott had a total of eleven strike outs, one walk, and held the Charge offense through seven innings.

Crane, Vonk, and Koerner have been sparks for the Dawgs offense the past games and the Dawgs defense has been solid, with diving catches by the outfield and clutch plays by the infield.

The Dawgs took game one (7-0) and will play game two tomorrow at 8pm.

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